Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The UK Releases UFO Data

The British Government is releasing ten years worth of UFO sightings. They are for the year 1978 through 1987. I also found the years 1997 through 2007 on the Ministry's web site, with a promise for the year 2008 to be placed in January of 2009.

Not that the Ministry of Defense puts any credence in UFOs. According to a CNN news report in a detailed Ministry briefing:

"There is nothing to indicate that ufology (the study of UFOs) is anything but claptrap and no evidence at all of 'alien space craft,'" read the briefing, prepared by the ministry for Lord Strabolgi, then government chief whip.

Kinda makes you feel a little silly for wanting to see that stuff, doesn't it?

In other reports I have seen, the Ministry is taking a more moderate approach, stating that they will “keep an open mind”.

I look forward to the day that the United States Government releases what they know about UFOs. I know that many are fighting for this, but I'm not sure they will win.

I know that it is the nature of governments to keep secrets, but if the first was true, that ufology is “claptrap” why bother to keep most of these secret?

What do you think? Should we be told what our governments know about UFOs and aliens? Or would we as a people panic, and hysteria ensue? Is that an acceptable consequence for learning the truth?

Honestly, I would want to know, I am curious that way. But like a lot of people, I figure that I could handle it, and probably most of the readers of this blog could handle it. But I can just imagine my mother finding out that she has been sharing the supermarket with little green men!

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